My best friend is allergic to
corn. So she was pretty excited when she came across a recipe to make
strawberry fruit leather aka fruit rollups without the junk.
We had fresh strawberries in the fridge that needed to be used up so I decided I would give it a try. I was excited because I knew the kids would love it since I won't buy fruit them roll ups. I was pretty sure I was going to be up for a "mom of the year award" in their book.
Let me just say, if there is an award involved, it would be the "biggest disaster ever award"...
Things got off to a good start. I boiled down the fruit and it was beautiful. A deep red color and it smelled so good!
The next step calls for the blender. I got the fruit in the blender and the lid put on but
the devil apparently the lid wasn't sealed completely. Turned on the blender. Strawberry explosion. Strawberry fragments everywhere. My cabinets, the floor, me and to top it off I got a pretty bad burn on my arm. Yet, I was able to control my tongue for the little ears in the room. OH MY GOODNESS!!! Which can be translated into many different things :-)
Moving on, I got things cleaned up, sprayed Oxi Clean all over my clothes (the best stuff EVER!!) nursed my burn and poured my fruit into the pan.
Magic Potion |
Apparently, I had chosen a warped pan so all the fruit was leaning to one side. At this point, I am thinking "oh my goodness" in several different languages...Finally got it in the oven in a non-warped pan. Set the temperature at the lowest setting and let it cook for 6 hours.
I thought surely, all the disasters are over. WRONG!
Take it out of the oven and Dylan is chomping at the bit to eat some. Recipe calls for buttered parchment paper but all I have is wax paper. I figure it will work just as well so I had sprayed it down with cooking spray. Lesson learned...
It won't come off the wax paper...So we just looked at it and then threw it in the trash.
No "mom of the year" award for me but I am nominating myself for "biggest disaster ever" award :-)
Hubby suggested I just cut up the strawberries and freeze them next time. Good idea.